Ramblin' Dan's Workshop

The Sanctum of Fine Art and Invention

PanaVise PV Jr

I just received an accessory for my 300 series PanaVise. I have been using the standard 301 head which works fine. However, I noticed a smaller head designed to hold small parts like a jeweler would need. It is made of plastic  but it looks strong enough for the duty I would be expecting it to endure. It's one of those good plastics.

So I ordered the new Model:203 PV Jr. head directly from the PanaVise website. I could not find it listed in my usual buying places. I also ordered the Model:204 rubber holding pads for the vise jaws. To top the order off I ordered the Model:239 Speed Control Handle too. The full Monty. The company is located in Reno, but it wasn't much of a gamble. <groan>

Almost no one shows detailed photos of something like a vise. Even the manufacturer skimps on the closeup details. Here is enough pictures for a real good look. Maybe a little overkill... Remember to click to zoom picture.

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 This is the standard 300 series PanaVise. The model 301 to be exact. I can use the 300 base mount for the 203 PV Jr.  Here is the new 203 PV Jr vise in place on the old mount. Note there are now two joints that can move in all directions.
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 Note the wingnut type knob to open and close the PV Jr. This new vise is rather stiff and that wing nut will be a challenge for cranking the jaws open and closed.  This is called the model 239 PV Jr Speed Control Handle. It is a press on fit on the Tee Nut handle and provides much more leverage and also a finger hole for speed spinning.
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 The vise is still a bit stiff for spinning the handle but I have to assume it will loosen up with a bit of work (it does - dk) or maybe a drop of lubricant on the screw.  The jaws have these vertical and horizontal grooves to help hold small round objects like tubes and bars
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 I ordered a pair of slip on rubber jaw faces number 204 Neoprene pads. These are a must have in my thinking.  The forte' of this vice is light holding of delicate parts. This wax model is a good example. It will also grip strongly but for heavy duty I suggest the original 301 head.
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 An example of a weird position you can twist the vice around to work on a part.  Here is a way to get a lower working height on whatever is being held. Uh... nothing here.

I think the model 203 PV Jr. head makes a nice addition to my ability to hold things. Perhaps not absolutely necessary as I have been working fine with the original 301 head. This one has a finer screw thread and takes LOTS of turns to open and close. That provides excellent control over how hard it clamps. I may use it more here with wax carving than the 301.


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