Ramblin' Dan's Workshop

The Sanctum of Fine Art and Invention

The Author

dankautzThere is no doubt one of my hobbies is writing about my hobbies. I think I read somewhere a long time ago that the best things to write about are the things you know. I have been writing and publishing long before the personal computer became the tool of choice about the things I know and want to share.

I spent many evenings hacking away on a manual typewriter trying to produce perfect copy before I could run a newsletter to the copy house the next morning. I was writing all about things I knew but I was always making those little edits that meant a do over of the master copy page. I was so happy with my first computer text program even though the output was to an Epson MX-80 dot matrix printer. It all seemed to work so wonderfully. It was called desk top publishing back then.

I was always the guy who became the writer/editor of the club newsletter. I have done a dozen different newsletters with my name on the editor’s line, from hobby type clubs like amateur radio and experimental aircraft to my Rotary Club.

I and an amateur radio friend of mine published a newspaper column for a couple of years in the Youngstown Vindicator called “Hams and Hackers”. It was all about Amateur Radio and the new growing hobby of Personal Computers. Who’d of thunk I’d be a writer-edoter? I can’r even speel… [sic]

The computer (and especially the on line publishing with web sites, blogs and bulletin boards) has pushed that total publication count considerably higher. It seems with publishing, just as with this new web site, I just can’t stop myself from putting my thoughts in print.

I am not a formally trained writer; Like I was going to go out and make it a career. I think I have created my own style simply by trying to follow the rules for writing I learned in school. I did not study professional journalism in college.

However, I find there is just a certain style and beauty in how words and their meaning can be utilized when they are presented in print. It just looks and flows right for me. For me it is probably an old dog, new tricks where I am set in my way. I just enjoy word crafting.

So Ramblin' Dan's Workshop is going to continue on in my show and tell fashion. I’ll write my opinion on things and how I see it. I’ll show off some of the projects and things I like to make. Most readers really like to see how things are made in a sequence of pictures and comment. I’ll continue to do that.

I, like most unknown (non-famous) authors who write on obscure topics, have no knowledge the size of the audience I may be reaching. I do receive a few much appreciated comments from readers from time to time, so I know the number isn't zero. It’s enough to keep me going but I would probably still do it if not just as a personal diary for my eyes only. I just don’t keep it locked.

Say hello if you can...

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