Ramblin' Dan's Workshop

The Sanctum of Fine Art and Invention

Twisted Rope Ring

Some folks do not like big gaudy rings. Others seem to love them. I can make rings any way people like them. I don't have to wear them. Ha! I have made both kinds for myself.

This ring is for my wife, Gloria. Totally hand carved. I was trying to test myself on small scale wax carving. I spent about two days working on the wax. Not full 8-10 hour days but working over a two day period. That brought the design up to the casting stage. I'll add to this report once I do the casting and get it polished up. It's too small to fire up the kiln for this one tiny project. 

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Size 7 just fits my pinky finger Ready for investment
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Magic change from wax to sterling silver. Nice simple design

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