Ramblin' Dan's Workshop

The Sanctum of Fine Art and Invention

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This piece is completely hand made. No CNC, just hand shaping of the wax with saw, files, carvers. I did use a Foredom for polishing, but most jewelry is polished on some sort of powered polishing wheel.

It is 1.5 inches high and 1.0 inches wide give or take a fraction. My spouse is a cancer survivor so I was thinking of finishing it on one side with a coat of pink fingernail polish. She thought it should just stay silver. OK with me.

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All sprued. That is a 3" base. I have ordered a shorter flask that is 3x3 I will be using for short mounts like this. here I used a 3x4 for this cast which is a bit tall for this size model.  I scratched my head a bit thinking how I would sprue this model. It's thin and I wanted to be sure I had a good flow so I used two sprues or what is called a V sprue.
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The cast went perfectly and here it is fresh out of the pickle. I was worried I miscalculated so I added a little extra silver to the melting pot, so the button is a bit large. The model is so thin, it doesn't require much silver. I had it right... All finished and ready to wear. Not exactly a surprise christmas present but today is December 23!

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