Ramblin' Dan's Workshop

The Sanctum of Fine Art and Invention

No Strings Attached

I made this for a close personal friend whose hobby interest is playing and somewhat collecting guitars, Gibsons preferably. I free-lanced this design but it is Gibson-like. I call it "no strings attached " for obvious reasons.

This ring is 100% hand carved from a block of wax. Total effort, working a few hours at each session, was about a week, start to finish.

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Finished carving. Weight is 1.1 grams On the sprue. A few tiny details added and ready for flask and loading the investment.
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Fresh out of the pickle just after casting. A very nice cast. Cleaned up and polished. Ready to present. 11.6 grams Sterling Silver

I am now confident with the lost wax casting process. My intention is to work on more detailed designs, since I have less fear of losing my work in a bad cast. It's become a lot more relaxing and fun to do. Actually, it always has been fun ;)

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