Ramblin' Dan's Workshop

The Sanctum of Fine Art and Invention

Loving Heart

I have been spending time with 3D printing. I have a resin printer I would like to use for creating (printing) 3D models for last wax casting. The results haven't been too satisfying. I needed a break from the effort. I'll get it working correctly but not immediately.

It was near Valentine day so I decided I wanted to do some wax carving and make something with that theme. I also needed some silver casting I knew would turn out properly. My first 3D printed and cast model was terrible. Probably too much ash left in the mold after burnout. The master is a resin material, not wax.

These pictures will follow my sequence of events:

loveheart border 01
This is the original drawing. I took 3 days of computer editing to get it to a design I could cast. I also found the border design and thought it would make an interesting pendant.
loveheart border pendant
Here is where I first took the heart design in my CAD software. This is not the finial cast version. This is also a CAD drawing. I decided to push the recessed design entirely through as a cut out.
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This is my wax blank. I cut three experimental hearts until I got the three more that I liked. The wide cuts are the long border pendants. First heart sprued up and ready to get another.
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Two hearts in the flask. These are the castings fresh out of the acid pickle.
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The cross was made years ago. I had some space to add it to a flask for this heat. The silver is finished. I think they look good!

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